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Questions and answers:

How do you deal with writer’s block?


This is a serious answer. My best time to write is early morning. I personally can tell the difference between what I write during the morning versus what I write later in the day. My choice of words are richer, more descriptive and simply more emotional in the morning. I rarely have writers block in the mornings, but during the day if I run into a serious block, I typically go and take a shower. The reason? Some of my best ideas come to me while I am showering. Don't you dare laugh! If I could write every novel in the shower I might be number one on Amazon. :) LOL!

What’s the best thing about being a writer?


We all have imaginations. We all have thoughts which percolate through our minds. We have enough difficulty figuring out our own minds; it is next to impossible for others to read our minds. To be able to write is to be able take those vivid internal stories and transfer them into a setting where others can appreciate. Typically, we tend to forget the things we dreamed about--the details, we tend to lose memory of the great thoughts that come into our mind, but once we transfer them into a more permanent format, then we can always relive our own imaginations.

What’s your advice for aspiring writers?


It all depends on your purpose for writing. Is it to be rewarded financially or is it simply a creative outlet where you personally get a thrill? If it is the first, then the answer is two-fold. To make money then you need to write in a genre that is popular, but at the same time you will need to have a liking for that subject or you will never convey your work with the type of flair that will attract buyers. So you must strike a balance. If your purpose is the latter, simply for personal satisfaction, then write what you enjoy regardless of the genre's popularity. The incredible may happen and you could out of the blue strike gold. I hope that makes sense.

What are you currently working on?


Working on my art and the new sci-fi series Terminal Dawn Universe. I am a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, Serenity and Stargate. I love space, period. I can see at the theater complex the cinematic version of Terminal Dawn playing side by side with Star Wars The Force Awaken. You just never know, one day Terminal Dawn might just take over Google, Youtube, Yahoo, Twitter, Instagram, etc...and then I woke up. :)

How do you get inspired to write?


An idea that just won't quit dancing around in my mind. Typically that happens in the early morning as I linger in bed.

Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?


I thought about what sci-fi stories have never been done, and then one morning it hit me. The individual parts of my series are not unique in themselves. They have been done in different movies and books I am sure. What is unique and has never been done before in a single account is the totality of the epic story. I am so excited about eventually getting to write volume two and three, you can't believe it. The turn in the story, I believe will blow most people away and if not rip their heart out. I am excited to say the least, because I have never seen this particular storyline done in a single fluid account. I just need to find the time to write the next two.

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Visionary Imagery



Terminal Dawn U

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